Issue 2

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Issue date: February 20, 1999

New Sorors


As of December 3, 1999, Sorors Veronica Arriga and Amanda Redmond were initiated into Lambda Psi Delta Sorority, Inc. The new Sorors have culminated their membership to the Delta Chapter of Lambda Psi Delta Sorority, Inc. at Our Lady of the Lake University. We would like to extend our congratulations to the ladies and wish them a joyful and successful beginning.

Soror Veronica Arriga AKA Fire

Email Address:


Soror Amanda Redmond AKA Lyrical

Email Address:


Semester Planning

Semester Planning 2000 was a great success. It was held January 16, 2000 in San Antonio, TX. All Delta Chapter Sorors were in attendance, ready to make the year 2000 a splendid and memorable year. Topics that were discussed:
*Community Service
*Soror Enhancement Projects

The College Resource Center (CRC) was another issue discussed. It was decided that John F. Kennedy High School, Edgewood Independent School District in San Antonio, TX would be the first high school that would receive a proposal for the CRC. Soror Lizette Yanes is the CRC Coordinator for the Delta Chapter and will further communicate with the officials at John F. Kennedy High School. If any Soror would like further information about the Delta Chapter CRC please contact Soror Yanes at


Officers 2000

The following is the list of the Delta Chapter Executive Board for the Year 2000:

President: Soror Clarice Wright

Vice President/Secretary: Soror Veronica Arriga

Treasurer: Soror Amanda Redmond

Delta Chapter Advisor: Soror Lizette Yanes

The Executive Board meets every Sunday of every month at 3:00pm Central Time; for meeting place contact President, Clarice Wright at Any Sorors interested in attending should contact Vice President/Secretary, Soror Veronica Arriga at


Spring 2000 LILies


On January 25, 2000 the Delta Chapter conducted the first informational for the year 2000, Soror Amanda Redmond coordinated the event. Many women attended anxious to learn more about Lambda Psi Delta Sorority, Inc. and were very surprised at all the accomplishments that have been made within the eleven months the Delta Chapter has been established.


February 4, 2000 marked the affirmation of the Delta Chapter LILies for Spring 2000. Soror Amanda Redmond, Interest Coordinator, conducted the LILies Declaration for Spring 2000. The Delta Chapter LILies are:

Ms. Jennifer Enriquez - email:


Ms. Celeste Tello - email:

Ms. Rebecca Alej - email:

If you would like more information on the Delta Chapter LILies feel free to contact them at thier email addresses or contact Soror Amanda Redmond at Subject LILies.


Soror and Lilie Enhancement

As one the topics discussed at the Semester Planning Meeting, Sorors attended an enhancement event, which was February 5 2000 at the McNay Art Museum. Sorors met at 8:00am for an early bird breakfast and then proceeded to the McNay Art Museum. The Museum was hosting an exhibit on World Culturalism.

The Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum is the first museum of modern art in Texas. The McNay's founder, for whom the museum is named, was "a discriminating collector, an earnest student of the fine arts and a philanthropist of the first magnitude." Steadfast in her commitment to "the advancement and enjoyment of modern art," Mrs. McNay's original bequest included her important art collection, her 24-room Mediterranean-style mansion and the 23 acres upon which it sits and most of her fortune. The McNay was founded in 1950 and opened to the public four years later.





On February 18, 2000 the Delta Chapter of Lambda Psi Delta Sorority, Inc. sponsored a fundraiser event in San Antonio, TX featuring music by DJ Dez. Admission was $5.00 at the door. The fundraiser was a huge success with a large profit! Greeks that were representing were Alpha Rho Lambda Sorority, Beta Alpha Omega Fraternity, Alpha Omega Sigma Sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority, Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity and Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Interest. If you would like more information on the fundraiser contact Soror Amanda Redmond, Treasurer at Subject Fundraiser.



Spotlight: Women

The following is a reprint from a biography in The National Women Hall of Fame web site (, a tribute to women of our civilization.

One of the many women in The Hall of Fame is Amelia Bloomer (1818-1894):

"It was a needed instrument to spread abroad the truth of a new gospel to woman, and I could not withhold my hand to stay the work I had begun. I saw not the end from the beginning and dreamed where to my propositions to society would lead me," said Amelia Bloomer, describing her feelings as the first woman to own, operate and edit a newspaper for women. Bloomer, a woman of modest means and little education, nevertheless felt driven to work against social injustice and inequity -- and her personal convictions inspired countless other women to similar efforts.

Bloomer's newspaper, The Lily, began in 1849 in Seneca Falls, New York, where Bloomer lived after her marriage. The newspaper was initially focused on temperance, but under the guidance of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a contributor to the newspaper, the focus soon became the broad issues of women's rights. An intriguing mix of contents ranging from recipes to moralist tracts, The Lily captivated readers from a broad spectrum of women and slowly educated them not only about the truth of women's inequities but in the possibilities of major social reform. This first newspaper became a model for other suffrage periodicals that played a vital role in providing suffrage leaders and followers with a sense of community and continuity through the long years of the campaigns for the right to vote.

Bloomer was also known for her support for the outfit of tunic and full "pantelettes," initially worn by actress Fanny Kemble and others, including Stanton. Bloomer defended the attire in The Lily, and her articles were picked up in The New York Tribune. Soon the outfit was known as "The Bloomer Costume," even though Bloomer had no part in its creation. Ultimately Bloomer and other feminists abandoned the comfortable outfit, deciding that too much attention was centered on clothing instead of the issues at hand. Bloomer remained a suffrage pioneer and writer throughout her life, leading suffrage campaigns in Nebraska and Iowa, as well as writing for a wide array of periodicals.


Up-Coming Events

March 13-17, 2000: Spring Break at OLLU

March 17-19, 2000: Camping Trip @ Pecos River

March 24, 2000: CRC

March 25, 2000: Service Project @ Houston Area Clean Up

March 31, 2000: CRC

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